Thursday, August 16, 2012

Awkward & Awesome Thursday.

[we're the three best friends that anyone could have]
Two tangents converge. 

Tangent numero uno:  My friends always tell me that I should write a book about all the ridiculous (and ridiculously embarrassing) things that happen to me ... onlyyyyy me.  One friend has even stated that my text inbox has got to be the most interesting in the world.  I might even agree with her.

Tangent numero dos:  Do you read The Daybook?  If you don't, shame on you and get over there pronto.  Sydney is one of the most witty + authentic bloggers out there if you ask me!  She was actually one of the first blogs I began regularly reading, and because of Sydney, Thursday is one of my favorite days because it's awkward & awesome!  Pure genius.  So I thought I'd do my own little rendition of awkward & awesome today because I've got some prime material for y'all.  Just a few nuggets ... baby steps ...

- Waking up to a letter stuck on my windshield from Emil saying that he "lightly bumped" into my car.  Little does he know "lightly bumping" into a space is how I occasionally parallel park anyway since my car doesn't have fancy a back-up camera (kidding...most of the time) ... that and the fact that I already have deer antler dents in my back passenger door.  That's right, the deer ran into me.
- In the middle of an in depth phone convo, the effects of chugging a bottle of water kick in and nature calls So I do what any normal person does, let the other person keep talking, mute the phone, do your thang, and unmute.  Works like a charm ... unless you hit 'speaker' instead of mute.
- This happened a couple of weeks ago, but funny none-the-less.  At the airport getting ready to fly to New Orleans (a one hour flight from Houston.  what a joke.)  I'm in vacation mode, so I sit and have myself a margarita.  About 20 minutes til take off, I mosey over to find my gate.  It's empty.  There is no one there!  What the ... I mixed up my gate number with my seat number and then had to literally run across the airport to make my flight.  I was that girl.  

- Emil left his phone number on his little note.  Good, honest people really do still exist!
- Finding my birthday partay dress at Anthro.  On sale.  Bam.
- Little brother moves off to college this weekend!  Bitter sweet.  So proud.  Extremely jealous he's about to have the best four (and a half? five?) years of his life.
- Brutally cleaning out my closet, getting some pretty cash for my old clothes.  Feels so good to declutter!  And now it's time to go shopping!

Woo Thursday!  And Friday, you are so close!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Get In My Closet.

Are you feeling the pressure that fall + sweaters + boots are right around the corner like I am?  I'm definitely looking forward to warm layers, but the weeks leading up to Labor Day always make me want to wear head-to-toe white every day!  Savor every last moment of summertime.

I am so obsessed with these two ensembles that I am going to shamelessly copy them before summer is over ... which, since I live in Texas, gives me until January to nail these looks ...
[both via my girls got style board on pinterest]

Monday, August 13, 2012

Remember Me?

You can go ahead and call off the search party.  I know y'all are relieved to know that I have not died nor fallen off the face of the earth.  I've simply been taking trips like crazy and reveling in my last month of early-twenties-dom.  Quarter-life crisis?  Maybe so.  One thing is for certain though:  I am so happy with the possibility of what twenty-five brings me.  You see, here's my theory in a nutshell:  Shiz gets real at twenty-five.  I'm going to go ahead and copyright that.  Profound, I know, and also confirmed by older wiser friends.  Like most, the majority of my early twenties was consumed by school and getting experience and becoming independent.  And now I'm here.  I've graduated (not once, but twice.  I can almost hear my parents' sigh of relief...).  I've got a whole twenty-four and some change's worth of life experience.  I've been fully supporting myself for over a year now (i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t, do you know what that mean, mayne?)  I'm finally here.  And by here, I mean at the beginning.  I have reached the point where the future really is my very own (and if you've had this epiphany much earlier than myself, you. go. girl.)

During my hiatus, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I want this little blog to be for/to me ... and I've come to the conclusion that I simply want it to be more personal.  More moi.  So with that, I'm backkkkkkk!