Saturday, February 25, 2012

Easy Like Saturday Morning

Saturday is my favorite day of the week.  It's my chance to catch up on much needed sleep.  I typically enjoy my morning coffee and go to brunch with friends.  And it's the absolute best when I'm able to go back to sleep.  But the very best part about Saturday? I always know that I still have Sunday.

What are your favorite ways to spend the weekend?

Saturday is also perfect for catching up on blogs.  Here are a few posts that struck my fancy.
Style here, travel here, and home here and here.  Enjoy!


  1. That is absolutely the perfect way to spend a Saturday in my opinion. I also love to add in baking a special treat if I have the time. I live for Saturdays.

    1. Couldn't agree more! One of my favorite things in the world (even more so than Saturdays) is eating a delicious breakfast and then having the luxury of crawling back in bed! (Can you tell I love sleeping and eating?)

      Hope you had a great weekend!
