Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Shut the Front Door!

I almost fell out of my chair when I found my apartment on Mimosas in the Morning yesterday!  Even today, I cannot stop smiling.  My apartment (or my Bachelorette pad, as I like to call it) is definitely a work in progress, but it's the first place that is mine all mine and I love it.  I thought I'd add a little personal commentary to Allyson's fab photos.
[colorful pillows on my couch a la target + pier 1]

 [area rug + my interim ottoman-turned-coffee table.  some say ghetto, i say resourceful.]

[a diy (if you call writing on a chalkboard a diy) for my rarely used kitchen.  i'm hopeless when it comes to cooking and this quote is perfect for me.  that julia, a woman after my own heart.]

 [pottery barn bar stools indefinitely borrowed from my mom (thanks, ma!) + my cherished speedy, my first and only LV, purchased on the champs élysées in paris.  the best souvenir from last year's trip.]

 [slightly embarrassed for having sh*t my dad says on my bookshelf + redeeming myself with well-used maps of ireland, london, paris]

[a reminder as to why i need to buy curtains.  heyyy, neighbors!]

How does one not know her apartment is being photographed, you ask?  Well, remember when Allyson spent the weekend with me?  I had to work at way-too-early o'clock and left her a key so that her day didn't have to start when mine did.  That super sneaky, super cute little photographer! I had no idea.  Thank you, Allyson!  I'm over the moon and beyond flattered.


  1. I saw this on Allyson's blog and pinned that picture of your chalkboard - I love your choice of quote! :) xoxo, eliza
